Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (2025)

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Amazon [] has Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) for $5.11 - 5% when you check out via Subscribe & Save = $4.85. Shipping is free with Prime or on $25+ orders.

$3.84 lower (

44% savings) than the list price of $8.69

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Customer reviews:

★★★★ / 11,462 global ratings

About this Item:

  • Includes 4 cube boxes; 75 tissues per cube (300 tissues total)
  • 2-ply white facial tissues with lotion
  • Perfect for bathrooms, living rooms, bedrooms, offices, classrooms
  • Cube color combinations may vary
  • Satisfaction Guarantee: We're proud of our products. If you aren't satisfied, we'll refund you for any reason within a year of purchase. 1-877-485-0385
  • An Amazon brand []

  • Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (9)
  • Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (10)
  • Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (11)
  • Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (12)
  • Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (13)
  • Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (14)
  • Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (15)
  • Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (16)

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Model: Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) (Previously Solimo)

Current Prices

Sort: Lowest to Highest | Last Updated 1/21/2025, 12:59 AM

Sold By Sale Price
Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (18)Amazon$7.61
About This Product
    Product Name: Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) (Previously Solimo)
    Manufacturer: Services LLC.
    Product SKU: B09C31HJYF
    UPC: 195515018975

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    Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (19)

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    Joined Dec 2021

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    01-16-2023 at 02:07 AM.

    01-16-2023 at 02:07 AM.

    Are these wet? Does the box dry out?


    Joined Jun 2008

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    01-16-2023 at 03:59 AM.

    01-16-2023 at 03:59 AM.

    Quote from Anthonyy232 :

    Are these wet? Does the box dry out?

    I bought these, not realizing they were lotioned. They're not bad. They don't leave an oily feeling when using them, but the lotion is just enough to make it ever so slightly slick. Not sure if I'd buy again, since I prefer a dry tissue. Just feels more absorbent to sop up all my mucus.



    Joined Sep 2012

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    01-17-2023 at 12:47 PM.

    01-17-2023 at 12:47 PM.

    I just caught a cold from someone last week, and I have been sneezing and needing to use tissues often. Almost all the tissues I've used have been without lotion, and I have to say, it has been uncomfortable.

    I had the chance to use some lotion ones while at a business, and they felt much better. If you're using tissues often, sneezing often, and even rinsing your nose out (neti pot), you may also have a pretty dry nose... I used to think the lotion stuff was overrated and silly, but I understand now.

    Now, will I always, or even often, prefer the lotion ones though...? Probably not, but if I ever have a cold or sickness like this again, I'd opt for them over regular.


    Last edited by NEW0 January 17, 2023 at 12:51 PM.

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    \n Are these wet? Does the box dry out?\n

    \n \n \n\nI bought these, not realizing they were lotioned. They're not bad. They don't leave an oily feeling when using them, but the lotion is just enough to make it ever so slightly slick. Not sure if I'd buy again, since I prefer a dry tissue. Just feels more absorbent to sop up all my mucus.","hideTimestamp":false,"timestampFormatted":"01-16-2023 at 03:59 AM.","isoDatetime":"2023-01-16T02:59:19-08:00","permalink":"/f/16383556-amazon-basics-facial-tissue-with-lotion-75-tissues-per-box-4-cube-boxes-300-tissues-total-4-85-w-s-s-amazon?p=161050354#post161050354","postId":161050354},"commentSectionCommentFooter":[],"commentIsHelpful":null,"commentGiveRepPopover":{"username":"blazin","userAvatar":"/attachment/avatar/3/8/0/9/9/0/150x150/avatar.normal?dateline=1514552392","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"blazin posted this comment. Say thanks"},"threadedReply":true},{"commentAuthor":{"avatarUrl":"/images/avatar-150.png","username":"NEW0","title":"L9: Master","joinDate":"Joined Sep 2012","postCount":5406,"profileUrl":"/member.php?userid=1928368","reputationPoints":337,"dropdown":{"giveRepLabel":"Give Rep","alreadyFollowed":false,"followUrl":"/forums/register.php?action_source=Follow+User","profileUrl":"/forums/member.php?u=1928368","sendMessageUrl":"/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=1928368"},"badges":[],"slickdealsVerified":false,"giveRepPopover":{"username":"NEW0","userAvatar":"/images/avatar-150.png","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"NEW0 posted this comment. Say thanks"}},"commentActions":{"postId":161082412,"replyUrl":"/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=161082412","canReport":false,"commentReactions":{"reaction":{"like":{"id":25,"label":"Like","count":0},"funny":{"id":47,"label":"Funny","count":0},"helpful":{"id":50,"label":"Helpful","count":0},"notHelpful":{"id":26,"label":"Not helpful","count":0}},"form":{"endpoint":"/forums/sdpostrate_ajax.php","method":"POST","inputs":{"ajax":1,"do":"sdpostratevote","postid":161082412,"vote":0,"commentReactionId":47,"controltype":"modern","securitytoken":"","action_source":"Comment Reactions"}}},"isOldPost":true,"directReply":true,"isMod":false},"commentContent":{"htmlContent":"I just caught a cold from someone last week, and I have been sneezing and needing to use tissues often. Almost all the tissues I've used have been without lotion, and I have to say, it has been uncomfortable.
    \nI had the chance to use some lotion ones while at a business, and they felt much better. If you're using tissues often, sneezing often, and even rinsing your nose out (neti pot), you may also have a pretty dry nose... I used to think the lotion stuff was overrated and silly, but I understand now.
    \nNow, will I always, or even often, prefer the lotion ones though...? Probably not, but if I ever have a cold or sickness like this again, I'd opt for them over regular.","hideTimestamp":false,"timestampFormatted":"01-17-2023 at 12:47 PM.","isoDatetime":"2023-01-17T11:47:03-08:00","permalink":"/f/16383556-amazon-basics-facial-tissue-with-lotion-75-tissues-per-box-4-cube-boxes-300-tissues-total-4-85-w-s-s-amazon?p=161082412#post161082412","postId":161082412},"commentSectionCommentFooter":{"editedText":"Last edited by NEW0 January 17, 2023 at 12:51 PM."},"commentIsHelpful":null,"commentGiveRepPopover":{"username":"NEW0","userAvatar":"/images/avatar-150.png","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"NEW0 posted this comment. Say thanks"},"threadedReply":true}],"hasMoreReplies":false,"lastReplyId":161082412},"leaveAComment":{"avatarUrl":"/images/avatar-150.png","hiddenFormInputs":{"fromquickreply":true,"s":"fb89dbb8e107b0d3b18588c521189783","securitytoken":"guest","do":"postreply","t":16383556,"parseurl":true,"loggedinuser":false,"modern":true,"action_source":"Redesign Comment Inline-Reply","csrfToken":"ef2664f138c870.bQ7n9SimeI4FqNYfXXQap71yxupB1JvRDpI050e43Vk.Dzmksn6fTuFUmI9lAgZT7s8ik60K5f6HZc1Xqh_5u2gHesqTXJNV_DXjsQ"}},"commentSectionFooter":{"hasComments":false,"showThreadClosed":false,"newCommentUrl":"/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&t=16383556","pagination":{"first":[],"previous":[],"next":[],"last":[],"numbers":[{"label":"1"}],"currentPage":1},"currentPage":1,"totalPages":1},"guestUser":true,"threadedComments":true,"threadId":16383556,"commentSort":"oldest","commentSearch":{"threadId":16383556}}); const hostElement = document.getElementById('c8c96ab4c4e28e8b7982e74e3f2fdd4c'); app.mount(hostElement); const scriptElm = document.querySelector("[data-vue-client='c8c96ab4c4e28e8b7982e74e3f2fdd4c']"); if (scriptElm) { scriptElm.remove(); } }; if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", hydratec8c96ab4c4e28e8b7982e74e3f2fdd4c); } else { hydratec8c96ab4c4e28e8b7982e74e3f2fdd4c(); }

    Amazon Basics Facial Tissue with Lotion, 75 Tissues per Box, 4 Cube Boxes (300 Tissues total) - $4.85 /w S&S - Amazon (2025)
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